Key Things I Learned In My Last Trip

Let me tell you a secret. I love to travel. I am passionate about travelling and every time I travel, I prefer to visit some new place. With this hectic work routine we usually get bored after a while and then we all crave for a break, at least that's the case with me. Every other month I want to go on trip and on this break we seek wonderful time with our loved ones but do we really enjoy this break at its fullest? Going on Trips during vacation is nothing new. Its like going on since ages. Remember how our parents used to take us on holidays during our summer & winter breaks and now we do the same. The moment we find out that a long weekend is coming we pack our bags & plan a trip. But one thing which has been changed with time is our addiction to our cell phones. We are so addicted to our phones that even when we are on a vacation we can't keep our hands off our phone and after every 10-15 mins we take it out to check the FB notifications or mails or Insta u...